Friday, March 28, 2014

How to Make Homemade Kombucha Part 2: Making Kombucha Tea

Kombucha tea is extremely easy to make as long as you have a Kombucha Scoby and starter mix.  Check your local health food stores or purchase one online.  You can also make your own Scoby; for instructions view Part 1 of this blog:  Making Scoby.  We didn't want to wait for our Scoby to form to start making tea so we purchased a Scoby online from Kombucha Kamp.

To make Kombucha tea you will need the following ingredients:

1 Kombucha Scoby with starter mix
8 black tea bags
1 gallon bottled or filtered water
1 cup sugar
1 sterilized glass container
Breathable cloth such as cheese cloth
Rubber band elastic hair band

Kombucha Tea Instructions:

1. Make black tea:  Boil some or all of the 1 gallon water and steep the 8 black tea bags.  Remove tea bags and stir in sugar and the remaining water.  Let cool completely.

2.  Once cool, pour tea into the glass container and add the Scoby and starter mix.  Finally, cover the glass container with the cloth and secure with a rubber band.  Store in a warm place for about 1 1/2 weeks until tangy.  You will notice a new "baby" Scoby has formed.

Scoby purchased from Kombucha Kamp
Note:  The ideal temperature for fermenting Kombucha is 80 degrees Fahrenheit.  We place our Kombucha on a heating pad since we don't keep our house that warm.   

3.  Once ready, consider pouring Kombucha into sterilized glass bottles.  Store tea in the refrigerator for up to 3 months.

4.  Now you can repeat the process and make new Kombucha tea using 1 of the Scoby.  Store the new "baby" Scoby in a glass container covered with the Kombucha tea you just made.  Place a breathable cloth on the glass container and secure with an elastic band.  You can store the Scoby for months just make sure you check it periodically adding more Kombucha to keep the Scoby covered.

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