Sunday, November 27, 2011

A Place to Start

I'm not sure if anyone will ever read this but as I contemplated what to write for my first blog entry, I decided that I needed to organize my thoughts about what our family's "homesteading" goals really are. I also wanted to introduce my family and myself to any readers that may come along.
My wife Amber and I are in our late twenties and live outside Birmingham, Alabama. My wife has a corporate job and works from home. I teach high school Spanish. We have two boys - one is 5 and the other is 16 months. We have a small home in suburban Birmingham with a backyard measuring only 6600 feet. We both love our jobs and have a great time as a family.
So why are we deciding to try homesteading? To begin, I don't really like the term "homesteading" because by it's definition, everyone who ones a house is actually homesteading. What my family and I are trying to do is to simplify our lives, redirect our priorities, and become as self-reliant as possible. Some of these goals are short term and others are going to take a while. For us, this is part of the journey. We know that we are one speck of sand on a beach of others who have done this before us and those who will afterward. We aren't sure where this will take us and where it will end but we hope to learn a lot in the process. We also hope that along the way you will find pleasure in reading and sharing.

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