Saturday, February 15, 2014

Making Dandelion Salve

This is the time of the year that little dandelions start to pop up in our yard.  Rather than racing for the insecticide I have been plucking the flowers and making Dandelion-Infused Oil and  Salve.  I have a little jar of salve right now that will not last very long in this house!  My husband is amazed at how well it relieves his back pain.  So, I am making more today. 

Dandelion infused oil & salve can be used ...
  • As a massage oil to relieve muscle tension
  • To help loosen tightened breast tissue and is reputed as helping treat breast cancer
  • To help boost one's immune system
Instructions on making dandelion-infused oil. 

Dandelion flowers drying overnight

1) Gather your ingredients.  You will need dandelion flowers and oil.  Be sure to gather dandelions that are free from pesticides and animal waste.  Some oils you can use include: olive oil, grape seed, sesame or almond.

2) Place your freshly picked dandelions on a piece of paper towel or plate and let them dry overnight.  The flowers contain water and if directly placed in oil will make a nasty mess.

3) Place your dandelions in a clean glass container and cover with just enough oil to cover the top.

Oil infusing over medium-low heat

4) Now place the jar in a pan of water on the stove over medium-low heat.  Keep the jar in the heated water for several hours.

5) Strain the oil using a strainer covered with cheese cloth, squeezing the cloth to remove all the oil.  Store the oil in a cool, dry place.  You can use the product as a massage oil or you may wish to create a salve by following the steps below.

Dandelion - Infused Oil

Instructions on making dandelion salve:

1) Pour your infused dandelion oil in a glass container and then add in beeswax.  You will use the ration below:
  • 0.5 ounces of beeswax for every 3.5 ounces of oil
2) Now place the jar  in a pan of water on the stove over medium-low heat just until all the beeswax has melted. Stir gently to combine the ingredients.

3) Once the beeswax remove the jar from the pan of water and place aside to cool.  If you are not satisfied with the consistency you may reheat and add more oil or beeswax.

Dandelion Salve

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