Monday, June 23, 2014

Herb Garden Update June 23, 2014

My only flowering Chamomile
It's been a couple months now since I planted my herbs.  This being my first year growing herbs, I have to say I didn't have 100% success.  Out of all the herbs I planted, only the following survived:  Chamomile, Valerian, Wormwood, Hopps, Borage and Lavender.

From those listed above, I am happy with all except for the Chamomile.  Unfortunately, I chose a poor location for them.  Despite being trampled by our dog daily and receiving less than ideal sunlight, they are still alive.  They are growing slowly and one plant started flowering a few days ago.



 My Valerian and Wormwood are thriving in the same bed.  When I first planted them they were so delicate and small.  Every time it rained their leaves would stick in the dirt.  Finally, they started to take off.

Our Hopps plant has grown well from the start.  We planted it next to our fence and clothes line and tied a string from a stake in the ground up to the cloth's line so it could vine.  It has nearly reached the top of the clothes line now.

Mt. Hood Hopps
My Borage has started to flower.  I planted the borage directly in the ground in April.  It steadily grew for the past two months in it's own bed.  I have about 10 - 15 plants and about 1/3 have flowers.

According to my research, the best time to harvest borage leaves is prior to flowering.  I plan to harvest some leaves soon and dry them in our dehydrator.  I will then store them in a glass jar.  Dried Borage leaves can be stored and used medicinally for:  skin problems such as inflammation, cold symptoms, PMS symptoms and to aid in digestion.

The flowers are edible.  I am going to start using them in salads and as a garnish.   

My Lavender has required a little work.  It wasn't growing well in our dense Alabama soil.  After doing some research I realized it needed more drainage and lighter soil.  So, I made a raised rock bed and filled it with a mixture of composted soil and sand.  After being replanted, my Lavender has almost tripled in size.  Although it hasn't started to flower yet, I am optimistic that it will continue to flourish in its new home.


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