Friday, June 6, 2014

Seed Giveaway!

In an effort to get subscribers to our new Youtube channel, we are giving away free organic, heirloom seeds! Please see the video here for more information:
Seed Giveaway Youtube Video

List of Available Seeds

Marketmore 76 Cucumber (4 giveaways at 10 seeds each)
Rugosa Friulana Yellow Squash (2 giveaways at 10 seeds each)
Table Queen Bush Acorn (1 giveaway at 10 seeds)
Red Marconi Bell Pepper (5 giveaways at 20 seeds each)
Mortgage Lifter Tomato (2 giveaway at 10 seeds)
Fengyuan Purple Eggplant (2 giveaways at 10 seeds)
Pantano Romanesco Tomato (3 giveaways at 10 seeds each)
Tabasco Pepper (3 giveaways at 10 seeds each)
Bush Buttercup Squash (3 giveaways 10 seeds each)
New England Sugar Pie Pumpkin (1 giveaway at 10 seeds)
San Juanito Tomatillo (2 giveaways at 20 seeds each)
Hungarian Heart Tomato (2 giveaways at 10 seeds each)
Purple Jalapeno (2 giveaways at 10 seeds each)
Jarrahdale Pumpking (1 giveaway at 10 seeds)
1 Luffa Gourd (1 giveaway at 10 seeds)

Thanks for supporting our new channel!

***Note: Any information such as mailing address will be kept confidential and will not be given or sold to anyone.***

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